Tuesday, June 11, 2013

New Creation

John Eldridge says one of the biggest lies that Christians have bought into is that “we are just sinners saved by grace.” I not only agree with this, but would like to elaborate more on this subject.  First of all, we are sinners saved by grace, but there is more to the story. Think of the verses that have to do with us having a new heart along with those that state we are a new creation and those that say we are being filled with the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Perhaps what we have done in order to stay humble, is over-emphasized the fact we are sinners saved by grace. However, we are glorious creations being renewed in the image of Jesus Christ. Psychologists tells us we are what we think. Maybe the church needs to rethink who they are in Christ. Yes, we still sin, but surely by God’s grace, not nearly as much as we did before. Yes, we meet up with defeat at times, but the Bible tells us we are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus. So let me ask you, 'Who are you?' The next time you are reading the bible (especially the New Testament) let it speak to you of you being a new creation. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Now What?

Welcome to my new blog. What should you expect from this new blog? In short, everything! My goal in whatever I write is to reflect Christ and His Word. So here we go.....

It was Sarah, Abraham's wife who said, "Will I really have a child, now that I am old." It was Jacob who said to Joseph, " I am ready to die, now that I have seen you are alive." It is in Ephesians 3:20 that Paul writes, "Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine..."  

One of things we try to do as a team at Crosspoint is to be a "now" kind of people. Of course we mess up, but it is really on our radar. What better time than now? Let's talk now. Let's pray now. Let's look for that verse now. What should you be doing now or should you be quitting now?

 I have been reading how most people are procrastinators. This author suggests that we have to trick our brain into the "now" mode. In other words, we are not born "now" people. We are born as tomorrow people or as the old saying goes, " will do thus and so, when I get around to it." One day a friend of mine handed me a wooden piece that was just a little larger than a quarter. On one side it said, "I will do it", while the other side said, "Round Tuit." It was a Round Tuit coin! I now have no excuses because I finally have my around to it!

What are you waiting for? What is God asking you to do or to stop doing? NOW would be a great time to start or to stop. Maybe you are to start reading your Bible. Perhaps you are to start loving your spouse. What better time than now to say hi to those neighbors? NOW would be a good time to have lunch with that co-worker. I know, how about you pray right now as to what you should do right now?

Guess what? There is no better time than right now!